“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”
- LindaWooten
I am here to help in any way I can by sharing my own experiences and those of other families just like yours. Welcome to the blog.
31 Days, 31 Stories Breastfeeding Awareness Project 2019
The project welcomes all mamas who are pregnant and plan to breastfeed, breastfeeding currently, pump, donate, wet-nurse, use donor milk or any combination even if that combination includes formula or table foods. Want to share your story?
The Honest Truth from a New Breastfeeder
Corey is a new mam of only a couple weeks. In this blog she gives us some honest insight to what it is like to nurse for the first time.
The Bittersweet Breastfeeding End
Amanda and her children loved breastfeeding, but then when she knew it was time to be done, she worked hard to ease her daughter away from the breast. Read all about it in today’s story.
My New Breastfeeding Story Continued
Day one of the 31 Days, 31 Stories project is my story of nursing my little boy and a few of the things that are different than nursing my little girl.
31 Days, 31 Stories | Breastfeeding Awareness Month 2018
Welcome to the 31 Days, 31 Stories Breastfeeding Project 2018. I can’t wait to share these stories with you.
Jackie's Journey | Overcoming her Circumstances to Love and Breastfeed
After working through her past, Jackie nursed her first daughter until she was two. Now that she has a second daughter, so much of her life has changed and her breastfeeding journey is still growing too.
Mariah's Journey | A Stay at Home Breastfeeding Story
Pumping and co-sleeping can be heated topics in the breastfeeding world. Learn about how this Colorado mom does it.
Mariah's Journey | A Colorado Breastfeeding Story
Breastfeeding is hard to most moms in the beginning. Learn about this beautiful mama's beginning with her first daughter and how she is doing now.
Logan’s Story - My New Beginning in Breastfeeding
Becoming a mother again, I thought I had breastfeeding all figured out, it only took an hour to see that I still had some learning to do.
Day Thirty-One | The End
Thank you for an amazing 31 Days, 31 Stories year! I can't wait to continue to share your stories!
Day Thirty | Jody's Journey | A New Mom Breastfeeding Story
It took going home for this sweet mama to figure out what positions worked for her breastfeeding journey with her new son.
Day Twenty-Nine | Allison's Journey | A Four Time Mom Story
After three boys, this mama knew what to expect with her little girl but there were still some differences in the transition from nursing a mobile toddler to a sweet newborn.
Day Twenty-Eight | Tevin's Journey | A Bonding and Donating Story
After relying on donor milk after birth this lovely mama kept on working on her supply and now has been able to donate to other mamas in the area.
Day Twenty-Seven | Rachael's Journey | A Colorado Breastfeeding Story
After a whole lot of research, this lovely mama found her breastfeeding journey with both of her children to be fairly uneventful but does everything she can to find the love in every moment as it passes.
Day Twenty-Six | Chelsea's Journey | An Adoption Milk Story
After adopting her son, this sweet mama wanted to give her son the best to help him heal. That something was breastmilk. Read about their story here.
Day Twenty-Five | Aja's journey | A Lakewood Breastfeeding Story
With a huge turn after her water broke early, Aja worked to stand her ground in the hospital and make her nursing journey something she can celebrate as her premie babe grows more and more.
Day Twenty-Four | Delany's Journey | A Blissful Update Story
After they made it out the NICU, their story may have calmed quite a bit. But rarely does a nursing journey go without any bumps.
Day Twenty-Three | Delany's Beginning | A NICU Breastfeeding Story
Not all journeys begin the way we have planned. This mamas story definitely didn't. Read about the fight she and her son went through when he was born to breastfeed through their NICU stay.
Day Twenty-Two | Anne's Journey | A Mama Tribe Story
In the beginning, nursing was easy. Then this family came across a bit of a snag when mom went back to work. Learn what they figured out and what they do to fix the problem in this story.