“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”
- LindaWooten
I am here to help in any way I can by sharing my own experiences and those of other families just like yours. Welcome to the blog.
Miracle Kisses is Moving!
That's right, we're moving, we're moving on up! Read all about what's to come in this short blog.
2018 Goals
Every year we set resolutions of what we want our upcoming year to be but so often we drop off the wagon and never get back on. This year, I am setting goals instead. My plans may not work, I may miss days but this way I can set new plans and continue on. Who is with me?
The Downside to Taking Your Own Newborn Photos (Even as a Photographer)
Newborn sessions are hard work, even when you are a trained, newborn photographer. Here is a list of some of the things I find difficult when attempting my own newborn photos.
The Upside to Hiring a Newborn Photographer (Even as a photographer)
With cameras as amazing as they are now, many moms (including myself) consider taking their own newborn images. Here is a list of advantages to hiring out this sweet task.
7 Reasons In-Home Newborn Sessions Rock
Some photographers shy away from in home session, but I think they are pretty awesome - mostly for my clients. Read a few of the reasons in this blog.
Why do Great Photos Cost so much?
You can find a photographer at almost any price point. Sometimes you can even find free photography from someone who is building a portfolio. So if you can always find someone who for less, what is the point in investing in someone else? Many of us see a more experienced photographer’s investment number and wonder why does this cost so much; or maybe why am I paying so much for only 10 images or even no images, where all products are additional?....